Google Analytics
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Google Analytics is a powerful tool that can be overwhelming at first glance. This three-session workshop series will help nonprofit leaders understand Google Analytics and incorporate the insights it can provide into all aspects of their organizations, from understanding audience segments to marketing channel impact, program viability and efficacy, and more.

Session 1: Introduction to Google Analytics
Session 2: The Basic Reports and How to Use Them
Session 3: Custom Reports, Views, and Advanced Functionality

This is a pre-recorded live webinar series that took place from Feb. 5 - 18, 2021. All materials referenced in the recordings can be accessed here.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand how to navigate through Google Analytics, pull basic reports, and create custom reports.
  •  Set up conversion goals, build custom segments, and report on audience performance.
  • Use Google Analytics to better understand the contribution of marketing efforts to organizational goals.
  • Track program performance and popularity.
Sam Tomlinson
Vice President of Digital Strategy and Data Analytics, Warschawski